.'The [hurches Marriage•. And therefore doe not deceive thy felfe ·:if thou ~eareil: a fecret hatred and diflike of that flriel– fjeffe and holine!fe, that is in the Saints 1 if thou haft an inward grudge to th~t whtch is Gods Image, thou hatcft God himfelfe. · But perhaps thouwilt fay, I hate him becaufe he ts an hypocrite; ifheewerethcchild ofGod I would love him, but I hate his hypocrilie. But take_ heed, that when thou. ftrikefl: ·an hy– pocrite, a·Saint Iyes nota b_leeding·.; foa~fo wbeq, a man Iyeth under a !harp and powerfull Minifl:e.. ry, and thoubeare!l: hatredand difl ike ofit, thou hateft the Lord himfelte whofe ordinance it is. Thiswasthecafeof the J ewes, when the Apo– frles had 'ihewed them the Lord Jefus, and they faw all was reje&ed, what follow.ed? we haveno more to fay to you, C hrift would no longer be a fuiror ro them. Seing ye reject us, and will not receive this word offalvarion, toe now we rurne ,_ to the Gentiles, and ~hofe th~t will receive lis. And therefore brethren, take heed of difliking the Lord, when bee comes a fuitor to thee, doe not Jay falfe afperfions upon him, and hiswayes, and children, doe not beleeve falfe afperfions laid upon him by others; as thofe that were fent t~ fpye Canaan,'they brought up evill reports of that Land; what followed? not onely they were excluded out of the Land, buralkl all thof~ tba-t beleeved them. : · '~ ' . Now thuswe have lhewedyou the match, and · given you fometryaJs to know, wh~thery('}tlare ~tchocl with~ Chrift or no, StS' alro.what may · fiirre