Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The Churches Marriage. 1Hrre you ' tlp to ac;ccpt this match, ifyee finde ( upon examination, that yt are not matc-hed with him, alfo the impediments that keepe men off' . from the match: that ifany ofthem be your cafe, ye may remov~ it. But brethren, all this can doe nothing to procure rhis match; this will not 1 worke upon you, except the Lord be his mvne l fpokef-man to winne your loue, hee ir is that \ mull: winne you. Men ate like dead ms.nwhen wee fpeake ::o them; but if Chrill: fpeake not by his Spirit) they are , dead ilill; it is hee that mull: thew you your debt and your danger, and _the beauty and excellency ofyour husband, and mull: remove the impcd iments. · ,And feeing that now you are to receive C hnfi offered in the Sacrament, this p0im may be a great helpe to ftrengthen your faith. When a'" man promifes to match with one, this helpe's – well foreward ro the match: but when the man is in the .Church, and offers himfelfe to match with thee, then wee cannot chufe but beleeve it : Hee that eateth and drinketh this tmworthily, he j-1guilty gfthebDdyand bloud of the Lord: therefore doe not take it hand over head, but examine · whether thou ·ftandeft in need of Chrift, canft · thou fet a price upon him, as the chiefeft thing thou wanteft? The 'great match is made in Bap– tifme: this is but the renewing of the Nupti– als and new ACl:es of ,taking and receiving GhrHt Conflder then , if thou have marcht with Chrifl: before) elfe if thou camell: ·hither, this is agreat provocation to the Lord: for rhat f.-- 'E-e 4 ·\ / which