--------·---------------------------~~ 70 -\ crhcChurches Marriage. '· { ~hieh isrcqi.1ired of thee now i~, that thou take Chrift with more willingnelfe, frill that thou \ . come \v irh more 'de tires and longiQg after ~he Lord jefus, orelfe rhou doll: recdve unworthily. Con£idercvcrytime thou comefl, ofwhat 1 1 need [bOll fl:andcfi in or Cbriil:, and in this thing . thou mul.l take fome paines with thy heart ,every , rime thou comefi, to fee more need thou fian– \ deH inof Chrifi, and alfoc~amine firi&ly what . r,hou hail: done ami-ife, and worke thy heart :to unfaincd farrow, and make up all breaches be-:.· , forethoucomefi, as thou doll: with men ,_which ~ · is a very commendable thing, and if thou have :any requdl: to put up to him, this is a .fpec1aiL · day ofhearing. Whatfoever jewell thou wouldfl:· have to beautifie thy felfe , that is, whatfoever graces thou wantefi: tobeautifi~ thy foule, what change ofrayment thou wouldft weare to adorne thy converfation , what temptation ha~ht- long h<lunted'thee, thou canfi: not be rid of, aske of thy husbandnowupon this day; this is the mar– riage day; this is afaire opportunity to askeany thing .of F~Y husbaod: aske thy husband now, · 'hewillnotdeny thee, nay ,wbatfoeverthouwan– tefi for this life, for thy body, aske it now, for all is thine; wha.tfoever tho~ deftreft, 'any gift for foule or body , whatfoever it be that thou woulddl: have him totak~ from thee, th~t hurts thee , or whatfoever thou wouldefr have him give thee, to doe thee good, aske it: I dare ~e boJd to fay, hee will not deny thee; for ifHer~d becaufe of his oath, would J:!Ot deny the daugh, ter