THE . .. CHVRCH.ES :-.C-AR.R I AGE. i j E p HR s. 5. 2 z 0 z 3 0 2 4· Wivu ,fubmityour[elves untoyour owne hzubandJ, "' unto the Lord. For the huJbttnd iJ the head ofthe wife, even as ChriH il the heaa of the Church: and he iJ the saviour o/ thcbody. · 7herefore as the chur,ch is fubjefl unto ChriH, fo let thtJJives be to theirowne hu.rbands in every thing. E Scope of the Apoll:Ie is, to fhew that wives ought tobe fubJed: to their husbands, wbicb be infor– cetb upon them with this argu– ment ; for fo is the Church ro Cbrifl:. My kepc is oneIy to fpeake of the lat– ter : for whereas formerly I prelfed men to receive le['" Chrift; Nowbecaufe the chiefefr thing they fricke at is, being fubjed: to him (which yet is a t~ing neceffary if they receive him aright) for men i5 r