Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

76 'TheChurche1 Cttrriage. I 3 \ men having lived all their lives at liberty, would doe frill, a~though it be the condition of thofe that are marryed to Chrift, to be fubjed: to him, ._ as it is ofthe woman to be to the man,as appeares bythatlaw fidl:given. 3· Gen. 16. Thy defire fb•ll he to thyhushand, 4ndheefha/l rule over thee, that is, thy will fhall be fubje& to his. Now this' Text fhews both, that the Church is fubjed: to Chrii, and the reafons why it lhould be fo: There·are three things in it. That every man that takes Chrift is fubje& to him: that is laid downe pofitively ia the Text, _ the Church is fubje& to Chrift. That every--ttlan that takes him ought to be. That it is bell for them fo to be, and to that end the Apoftle gives tworeafons, for bee is their head and Saviour. . I will bind up all into one point. That every one that doth or will take Chrill:, he is and ought to be fubjeet to him, and it is bell: for him fo to be. He that takes Chrift, is fubjed: to him; fer fo foone as there is an union made betweene the foule and Chrift, fo foone there is a power goes out from him, which bowes and fatbions the heart, and makes it willing to keepe his Lawes, it caufeth fuch a motion in theheart, as is in · the members from the head :fo foone as tbe will is willing to doe a thing, there is a read ineffe alfB in the members, and the reafon is, becaufe there is the fa-me fpirit that is in the head transf~fed Into