Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.;.._ , 'The Churches [arriage. · into the m~mbers , and fo~ere the fame fpir~t \ is commumcated from Chnft by vertue of thts union to the members, and as foone as that union ~11 be perfeCt:, and the Spirit fualldwell in all fulnes inus) then we fuall have a full readindfe to obey him. Now becaufe it is but in part; ther~fore in re– gard.of the degrees ofit, there is much wanting in this readineife toobedience, yet fo, as there is in fome meafure forne fuch inclination, though the members are weakeand paralytica!/, and con– trary humours are in them, which much hinder theineadineffe; ye.t fo as there is an inclination iri the mind ,an intrinfecall aptneffe tobe fubjetl: U> Cbrill: in all things. . · 'that he that takes Chrift ought to be fitbjeC't. Now thou art marched wirh him, thou art enga– g«t, thou haft covenanted with him, 1 Cor. 7.2 3· He is thy L.ord,and bath bought thee, and thou ;haft fold thy felfe to him , yet bee bath bought thee of thy felfe, (oas thou art not tui juru. lt is anufua;JI thing for mCQ to bethinke with them– felves, how fhalll be!low this day? and men for– g~t that they are fervants ; for they-are not to fpend it in what is pleafant and profitable for themfelves :for God harh bought them of them– felves, and as a fervant is to aske his mafter every morniug what worke bee would have him to doe that day, fo are ye; not a jot offir~ngth is thine owne. . . The laft is, that it is be fr for men to1)e fubje& to him, .and if men were perfwaded that it were ' , beft 77