'8 The Churches Carriage. ---- beft for them n?w ~t this time to be fubject to him, they would come in: but it is one thing to thinke it generally be£1:,. and befr for me at this time in my particular cafe. Now this is it, I will thew you and take the reafons in the Text. r Becaufe ke is a head, and that in foure r~fped:s. In regard of Soveraignty. In regard ofpreeminence and excellency. Becaufe bee gives life to i:he Church, as the head doth to the body. Becaufe bee is a gt.tide to the Church, as the head IS to the members. x / .Bccaufe bee is their Soveraigne Lord and Prince, for this fubjeCI:ion is in nature to be fub. feCl: to him that is our Lord, and whomwee nnd fet over us ,and we thinke it no difparagement to be fo. To fubjea our felves toanequall indeed, we may and doe thinke much at it : therefore now thinke, that he is a Prince, and thou art·a bafe creature. and dol1 thou thinke much to be. ., fubje.:t to him? all dtfobedience comes from thi$, !that wee thinke our felves too good toobey him : as hee fa id, fo men fay fecretly in their hearts, who is the Lord, that I fhould obey? and tb!s they doe in every finne. · And whereas .it may be fa id, there are many great men fet over men) which they wili fay, they fee no great rea foil why·rbey obey them; I am of more excellen_t partS' then he : this may be obie.. eted againfi many Kings; and indeed,unleffe they do e~Xcell, obedience doth not corneotfwillingly nor naturally. Therefore