'The Churches [arriage. 79 Therefore in the fecond place confider, he is a head for . preerninence, I Col. 18. 19. Flee if the headoftht body, the Cbilrch , that in allthittg,J bemight have the preeminence ; for it pleafed the Father, that in him all fulne!fe fuould dwell, that as in tbe head there are all the excellencies of the body in all fulneife, the fences and the underftan· ding, &c. {o in him : now if a man had all ex. cellencies in all fulndfe above all other men, all the world would ·obey that man. See it in beafis; an Eagle being theexcellentefl of fowles, nature bath made it the King of all : and were there fucha man among men, there would be no reiifiance in nature to luch an obedience to him. Now Chrifr is fuch an one, full of wifedome, full of love and rneckneffe,&c. fuch atl one as thy heart canwifh. In the third place , all this is for thy profit, if thou be obedient to him, tor thou mightefi:fay, · 3 why thould i obey him? what is all this his excel– lency to me? when wee fee the government wee live in, tobe for our good, then we are willing to fubmit: if we had fuch a Governout as is rnentio- , ned in Judges, that would fpend his fatneffe and his fweetneffe for us, himwe would obey. Now I lefm chrift hath fpenthis fatneife for your good,– andall this fulneffe'that is in him, is for the good of the body, Ephe[. I. Iafi, fpeaking ·ofChrifi and the body, bee .calls the body the fulnetfeof him•hofilleth all in all. The body is the fnlnejeofhim; for as tb.e bead makes not a compleate man without the body, F f fo -----