Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'Ihe [hurches Carriage. fo nor Chrifi: without his Church, and yet leafi:i this might b~ thought too much to be fpokenof thebody, that it 111ould be the fulneffe of chriff, Therforc withall he fhews that it is Chrifi which · fils the Church,it istht fulnejje ofhimwhoftls all i11 '•11, ~mptyingout his fulncffe into them,filling aeri with all theexcellencies that are in himfelfe. No . excellency is inhi1t:1, but hee fiamps it upon the. body; for he received it for their fakes-. As the · common Conduit receives not waterfrom it felf;– buc for o!hers; .fo is he the common Conduit of · Grace, ahead whichcommunicates the fame life. to his members- he bath in himfelfe, ~hicltwas the third thmg. · · Butah! . you ·will fay I have no -need o f all this,nor of being fubje6t tohim;yes but thonlufr, · for thoucanfl: not five without h im: for as the Husband is faid to be the guide Of the Wife, ·h'ee i., rhc guide ofthy Youch>a' rhe Scriptut'efpeaks; [o is he to thee, and without him weeare. in this . worId l~kc mc·n in the wide fea without a guide; if left alpne, wee ehall faJ.I uponfome rocks or fands, t>r other, and fo. -pen)b: Hee is thy guide, and · there is reafon tobe-fubjecr ·ro -a guide,. Jl f.oiiy to le:tve thygu.ide in a wood , and ftepout of the. way fromhim. Nay he·isa guide that·doth guide~ thyfeet into thewttyuo.fpellce; ihewayes hewillead thee in, lead into profperity and peace. · Thefecond reafon in the text is, Re iS' thesavi.. our ofhi1 Church, he hath faved themalready from the guilt andpower of their finnes, and bee is fo I continually, a.nd thyfafety coofifis -in beingobe.. _ client ·