I '"-·· 'The·[hurches [4rriage. of the Lord which he commands thee for thy · good ? Thou mai£1: thinke that to fanCl:ifie.· the fabboth is not for·thy good, but now tho.u rnaifi: – think happily by thy travell on that ·day;and plot– ting thy bufineffe to .further thy wealth,- or fi:Jp_. pofe that Ged bid thee be bold for -him,and flind out for the profetlion oftro truth, thmt thinleeft · it-maybe thereby thou lhaft lofe much ·; and that by il:eppingout ofhis way, thou maifttakein fom convenience, or balke fome c.roffe, whi~h for do" ing his will would befall thee; but thou art d_e..: ceived, thou fhalt ' find th:at this iliaH oee·for 'fhy~-: ruine, and though thou c.anfi not fee how this',' · fhould be for thygood; . yet fhut thine eyes~ be•' leeve it, for itwill be fo·... - ·. , _j --+·.~ ~: ~ •' Theu{e. is, to exhort youto: bewiHirig'tbocdme~ . to Chri!b You fee· this ·great objeCl:ion taken -a– way, that men are loath to bee {ubjecr tOhim. :;~-; will further thew what it is t~ bee fl;lbje~; and~ -fo : addemotives~ _ · ~ .· •. -~ r - 1 ·t If you would know·wh'at fubjeCl:i6n fs ~. ~ · · ·· SubjeCl:ion is, when an inferiour willingly fubmits .to a fnperioor, there are two ~hings in it. . . . : . •: . It muft be betweenan inferior and:afup·ed-<?ur; for ifa fuperiour cloth it, it is not fitb'jecHon, but yeeiding; if an equall cloth i~, it is an .agreement, compaCl:,not a ~u~je61:i_on. . · . · · . , 1 It mull be wdhngly, .or el(e tt ·ts -not ·fatd t~ · bee {ubjeCl:ion: to .bee carryed 'Cllptive is ·not " to bee ·made fubjeCl:; but when a man fub– mits out · ot an _inward inclination of his · . _Will!