Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The Churches [arriage. Will , then it is faid -to bee obedience and !itbjeetion. · The fecond thing is, what wee mull: be f1:1bje61: to, and they arethree things; Firfi the counfelr of Chrill:. S.econdly, the Commandements of Chrill:. Thirdly, his providence,to be willing to be difpofed of by him ! And thefe rhree doe an– fwer to al that is in a man;For I. there is his mind or underO:andigg; now to that anfwcrs counfe11. Secondly,there IS his will, to that anfwers com1 mandernent. Thirdly affeCtions, they anfwer to his providence. Firfi wee mull: bee fubjeet to tbe Counfeii of Chrifi, that is, to thinkehis wayes, and what hec commands, to bethewifefi and the bell way. And this is one thing a wife owes ro her Husband, to be fubjeel: to his opinions: and Pllul, when bee would expreffe his obedience, fayes, I confultednot withfte[h and bloud, that is, with my owne rea fon .J but I ~rought my mind into fubjeEiion t() Chrtfls mind: l 'was willing to thinke his way the bcfl, in 2 Cor Io. ;. This is called Subjection, namely; the bringing of every though tint o lubjeEtion. The originall ofdifobedience is refrattorinef.fe of thoughts, whereby a man thinkes his way bet· ter than Gods way, and therefore chufeth it, for every man cloth what he thinkes bell:; and there– fore in Pro. 2 3·4· Salomon counfeiling mennot to labour to be rich, becaufea man would fay in his owne thoughts, why, it is good to be rich, rhere– fore fayes he, ceafe from thine ownewifedome, that is, fubmit thy wifedome to Gods, hee kno ·,ve~ wbat 83 F f 3 i~___ .----~