·; _i ! u r f 'The [hurches Carriage. is better for thee: walk in thy calling without fee"'· king inordinately to bee rich; and if God cafr riches upon thee, fo it is. And fo likewife a man that thinkes credit in regard of gifts, learning,, parts, agoodly thing,ceafe from thine own wife– dome, it being but as the Apofrle faith xsv~n J'o~ct, an empty thing, a thing blowne up by mens breaths: feeke not after It, follow his counfell. And thirdly fo for pleafiue, thou thinkdl: this or that thing to be moll: pleafam,ceafe from thyown wifedome,abfi:aine from it, and rhou fhalt have it· fome other way. . The fecond thing are his commands: if thou feefl: he bath commanded a thing,which thou feefl no reafon for, gay thou feefr no rea.fon againll: it, yet doenot quell: ion it. Thewill of man is frill objecting. .)ee this now in Ad'-mafld Sa.ul. In the commandement given to Ad4m, there is nothing bu-t a meere command, 'tislikely hee lawnorea-. fon for it, yet fee how ·God chargeth hirn,hafi thou I eaten of ;hat I c1mmAnded thee thou fhouldfl not eate t Saul thought he had good reafon on his lide, to · fpare d1e kine for facr j fice, but did not I command 1 . thee thecontrary? The- fervant is hot to examine his I mafiers ground, but todoe his will. La11:Iy, wee mufi: be fubjeCl: to his providence, andall the pa!fages of it. Looke what variety of conditions, ofGckenelfe and health, good report and ill report thougoeft through. God requires– that all thy affeCtions thould be fubje6t with- ' out murmuring; ifhewill have thee lye tinder an / illr·eport without caufe alongtim~, it is h~s pro.. v.1denc~ · - ........--.~---·------------------