Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

86 The Churches [arriage. -------~------------- any bafe offices for them, even violate their confciences ; bur in being fubjed to God, thou lhak not be bafe, but honourable fervices, and thou tbalc much by it alfo. As Bt~la·k faid toBa/aa-m, am I not Able to preferre thee~ fo may l fay ot God, and of others, even-of Kings, · as Saul fa id ofDavid, CtJn D~vid give you Vine– yards, &c? Can King~ give you what God can– give you ? why is there fitch feeking to the Court, but that men are perfwaded of getting_ profit and honour? and is it not God that fets up whomhewill, pullsdownewhomhewill? dorh· wbatfoever bee will in the earth, and in the fea? which ifconfidered, men vvould be ambitious of ferving him. · Secondly, bee is able to doeymr much hurt, and that is another reafon of our fubJeetion to Princes, and therefor~, r.Pet. 5· 6.hce bids us humble "our felves under his mighty hand; that is, God batha mighty hand, able to bring you into fubje{;tion, and therefore doe it willingly, Humbleyour felves. Doe you provoke him to an– ger, are you flronger thep he ? isbee n~tab le to bring you downe? InEzechieltherebe foure Em-. blrmes ofhis power; God compares there great men to Eagles, the maflers ofail birds; to Ce– dars that over-lhacldo~' all the trees ofEden; to Dragons, thatdoeHvein thewa·ters, and doe drinke it u'pas ariver, and to·an excellent Che– rub; nowGod to fhewhis power, fayes, that hee will depJume that Eagle, loppe ·the boughes Gf that Cedar, uncover that Cherub;.put a hooke· · into . -------~----------~--------------------