Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The [hurches Carriage. 87 into the nofrrils of.tbat Dragon~ _fo that God is able w doe the greateft men m the world hurt. · Thirdly, God is exceeding munificent, his goqdneffe is great. If one bath a father that is full of goodneife , ari · ingenuous fonne would not difobey hirn, becaufe bee would not grieve him; nowGod will fpare thee, at 11. fatherfFaru his fonne thM ferves him: hee will keepe thee fiiii in the houfe , notwithfianding all thy rebellions. · Lafi motive is taken from our felves. It is for thy good to be fubjetl: to · him : which if men throughly apprehended, they would not fiicke, though it were a thing burdenfome to·them·. If a P hyfician prefcribes thee an hard dyer , to which thou haft no good will in it felfc; yet if thou be told it is forth y good, then thou art wil– ling; and thus it is with the Commandements: but fay, is not liberty an excellent thing i is it not better to liveas aman lifis? indeed ifrhe mind of a man were franJ.ed as it ought to be, it were fo; fuut feeing thy heart is poife{fed with errours,&c. it is not befi for thee to be at liberty, for one that is well in his w~ts, it is good tobe at liber– ty, but not for one in a frenfte; againe for thee to follow thine owne will, is to ft.tbjeet thy felfe more to the difeafe_, but when thou dofi: what· God commands thee, thou dofi:'fol!ow the ·pre– fcript ofthe Phyftcian. For every man Iyes as it were Inter morGum & medicum; if thou fubje& thy. felfe to God, thou growefi: out of bondage· · to 3 ------------------------------------- ---- -