The Churches [arriage.- 89 times, the other not fo, and but for a fit~, and fo 1 now Gone is pleafing to thee, but whilil: thou art l in fuch a humour·- Now the things that God commands agree to the firfi: conftitution of thy foule, and therefore they are the betterchoyce, and in tbemielves more pleafant, and· the obedi– ence to them, is like the obedience of the mem– bers to th.e head, but the obedience ofthem to fin is the wringing them the wrong way. : Againe, peace is pleafant. Pfalm. 13 3. I .It is a plea[ant thing for Brethren to dwell in unity. Dif– cords in a fami1y are unpleafant. Nowwhilfi thou obeyeil: finne, itbreakes thy peace with God thy head, and thou liveil: an unquiet life, but as it is, Gal. 6. r6.asmany M UJalke ~~ecordbtg to the rule of Gods Commandements, peace is upon them, and that is pleafanr. Againe, it brings Iefits Chrift into the foule, and he brings ioy with him, for when he comes into the ~earr, hee comes as the Sunne into a roome with light, and joy, and peace. I find one fimilirude more in the words, to expretfe our union with Chrift: and indeed the Scripture is much in exprefling of this union, now it is a fure rule, that what the Scriptures beil:ow much words on, ·wee thould have much thoughts on, and what the Holy Ghoft mgeth moft, we fhould prize moi1: ,1as in this union with Chri!l:, which is the foundation ofour Salvation and of all graces. . Nowdifferent Gmilitudes in Scripture doe ex-~ preffe fome new thing, as is this, that bee is the head and Saviour of the body. It will bring to . our minds fome other differing. notiori concer- . . ning