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I 3 r 4 I 'The [hurchei [t~rriage. ning this union then the former did, it will bring new light that.We ihall fee further into the riches of this glorious myfrerie. The point is, that Chrill is the head, and Sa– viour ofhis·Church,and ofevety member. I adde thislaft, for foY,ou fhall finde it. I Cor. u. 3· That the bead of every man is Chrift :and this G– militude fhewes that the union betwixt Chrifr and us, i3 more than the union of a politicke head and body,.fo as we are flefh of his flefh, and bone of his bone 1 as it is in the thirtieth verfe of this chapter. · In that Chrifi: loves and cherifheth every one united to him, as every man doth his owne fletb. Put cafe a member bee more deformed than ano– ther, there be an ulcer in it ; yet a man loves it , becaufe it is his flefh. Hee is fenG.ble of all the paine, and eafe they feele, as the Head is, of what the Members doe. · Hee communicates Sence and Motion to e– very man; without him, every man being dead, and not ·able to moove a frep, in the Wayesof God. He guides,direCl:s, counfels every memberup· on all occafions,fugge!l:swifedome what to doe. But there are three other fpeciall refpeCl:s, in regard ofwhich he is called a h.ead. · · In regard of authority. nEphef. 22. God ,htSth tSppointea him over all things_to he head, Hee bath committed the Kingdorne of the Mediatourfhip to his Sonne. In