, In. regard ofprehemhience. t Col. 18. ln regard of influence of life. Ephe[. I • . 23. his . hoad tb1p is made to confifr in this) in filling his body, which in it felfeisadry empty thing, and he fils them all, that is, every corner, and fecond– ly with all, that is all variety of graces; fo as they have nothing; but what they have from him. The ufe of thefe three in particular, Secondly, in thati1e is a head ingeneraIt . . . ,, If Chriit befo al1ead,as heis a Governour and cbmmandcr;ids eafyto knowwhat followsthen; let us-be obedientand·live.according to his lawes, in. thofe doxologies which are given to Chrill:, This is one,Tohim.J;eal. dominiott:al thedC¥D'illion that -is:inparents-over their. child~en, Kings over their people, arc but rivelets out ·of that Sea. In the 9. of Ifai.6 .the Government is faid to beupon hu fhoulder, (o as he rules all the world, oncly wirh this .difference, that he rules his Church with an inclinarive difpoiltion, as the head rules the me1n– bcrs, but otherswitha rod of Iron, [o as he brings all under his feet, and makes them ftoope, and it is profitable for us to confider what divifion wee , are of~for Firfi,therear.e fome of the kingdomeof his fonne, tran£lated into his kingdome. 1 Col. others are as Cain, vagabonds, lawletfe perfons, that are not the Lords portion, and though thr>fe doe what they lifi ; yet thou mu fl: doeas by a rule, fi"om morninF; till night , in all thy bulineffe, undertake no atl:ion out by rule: there is not the Jeaft aClion but .there is. rule for it in t.he general!