9' 'The Churchet Carriage. \ nerall find out that rule, fo ufe recreations, eate and drinke by rule. Ifyou objeel', that there are fome things which a man may doeanimi caufa; fo the Apofi:le fayes, bee would not for hts mind fake, I anfwer, you muft even doe tbefe things by rule. Tis true that a man may have in his choice to doe a thing, or not to doe a thing ; for then a thing is indifferent: yet there is _a rule to be lookc to in thefe things, viz. That Chritl: bath given a man this liberty: fo men f'hould order theirr(peecbes by rule ; not ro be vaine .at any time, not in the leaft word~ :Bur youwill fay, tb.is is abondage: Anfwer : no; but it is for thy benefit.; for the more thou walkft · by rule, the more peace (hall be upon thee. It is obfervable, 9. E[ay 7. that thefe two things are put together; oftheentreafeofhit government, 4nd ofh~peace there[hall be no end: to this end, to !hew that as his government encreafeth in mens hearts · and is enlarged, fo as a man is made more fub-· jeet to him, fo alfo peace increafeth. · In thofe 1 that are mofi: fubjcet, there is rnoft peace: and therefore bee is called the Prince of peace; for where bee rules as a Prince, there is that peace which he, as a mightyPrin.ce,is able to procure to you. And to this purpofe is that copulation of being a head and a Saviour i~ the Text, as I have obferved- before: i(any man goeth from out of his government, hee {hall firid thornes, unquiet– ndfe, and refilefne!fe of fpirit , if they walke by the rule , they fhall have .perfeet peace, perfett mercies : if you walke unevenly with him, . ~--~------------~=---~----------~