'The Churches [atriage. . 9i b.irn, hee V\dll walke unevenly with you. 1 Is he a bead in regard ofexceHe{\cy 3 not onely lVfo 2 • .becaufe God bath put ·him into the highefi: place, but becaufe hechatha fitnelfe in him ,all fulneffe? choofe him then, take him before any thing elle ; for he is thebell:, andwill preponde– ·rate whatfoever corns in competition with him. There are no -excellencies , that are in the crea- .tures which arc out ofhim, but all in him. And therfore thon mull choofe him altogether, and make ~irn the adequate objed: of thy foule, in _ ·whom thou art fully fatisfied: bting thy heart ·to thisframe, tobe content tobefi:ript ofevery thing, ,thinking it enough to ~~v~ the Lord; 2.. Cot. 1o·• . .And 1ee are complett.te tn htm, whs il the ~eAd~fall PrincipafitiejjndpaJZ~er: his fcope is this; m the 6. verfe before, he had exhorted them, that as they had ttrftmChrlfl, ( ittbeing the fame word that is in16/m, 1. 12.) fo rhey would wttlke i1z him, being fully contc~red with him; and/et n11 mande- ,&~i'Veyou in Philoft~phie, that is, whereAs men teach you excellent .rule~ of moral! PhiJofophy ; yet reckon not thefe as excellencies a.dd'ed to. Chtifi, but ahounel you in faith in him, for we are compleate in him :ifanything were wanting in him; then indeed we might feek out to other things• .Leatn· to apply this to your particular,· occa.fians ; ·fay, l'care for no mans friendChip; nor wealth; it i5 enough, I have the Lord alone; I ·am comp!earc· in him , looke forall from him; .and then you will doe all for him. Hee that lookesforany thing from the creature, willdoe•fo much for ic. Every