Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

/ , ' 94 The Churches Carriage. ---~- Every benefit bath an office joyned, and fo much ·men ferve finne.; as they looke for pleafure from it, and fo much fervice as is done to the creature fo much is taken off from God j and therefor~ · fay, I will not apply my felfe to you, but t0 Chrifi:. And fo if a man be to preach the Gofpell, he that thinkcth himfelfe compleate in. Chrift, will not care for mans day~ f0 ifa man ·come to fome ad: ion oftryall, wherein he lhalllofe : fpeciall frier¥ls, and get great enemies, if bee thinke hitnfelfe cornpleat in Chrill:, he cares not. So in walking in the exercife of am_ans calling, ifa man thinkes himfelfecompleat inChrH~, lie will dlinkeit enough to doe his duty; fo as men may receive profit by it, and as for wealth , hee - leaves that to the Lord,. in whom bee is corn· pleat. . · · But youwili fay, h~w fhall I live in this world then? I have credit to looke to, and wife and children• .Anfw~e to ·do abundantly for you, if .youh~vehim.WhenMo[eswasconrenttoletPhar~tQh goe, and his great place inEgypt goe , and fo fuffer ,affii6tion with the people of God, Gpd made him a greater Prince then ever beewas ~ fo Chrift, becaufe nee endu-red the lhame, aitd the fpeak:ing againft, and the mean~ilcondition that ever man had, therefore 2 Phi!. God gave him a great namea6oveaUnames. Ahraham let his Coun. try goe, but God gave ~1im a greater Coun~ry, and jn his feed made htm heire of the world ; fo ifa man be a Minifter of the word ; let him not think