'The Churchei [arriage. thmk with himfelfe,~how to provide befi: for him– felfe, but how he may doe moft good ; and there– fore not to take care for -preferrement or mainte– nance, int~e 10. ofMath.Io. Luke, when Chrifi fent his Difciples out to preach the Gofpell, Hee bids them take no money,nor no fcrippe, to maimaine them, nor no fiaffe ro defend them from injuries, nor fa lute no man by ihe way, that is, doe nor .frand upon officious complements to get friends. Yougoeaboutthc ·Lordsworke and l w11l pro– vide for you, ahd therefore bee repea_res this z 2. L,.ke 35• when heewasgoing ol'lt of£he world, asking them ifwhen he did fend them thus, dwy did lacke any thing, to which they anfwered no. Then learnc by this , not to looke after mainr~na.Qce; and this may be fa id to every Mini ll:er of the Gofpell; preferrc Chrifi,and he will preferre . you. Every one defires a preheminence, a place above his brethren; the way to get it , is to be forChrift: Ofhil orr~ewillhebegot~,thatwemight , be theftrft fruits ofall the creaturu. When a man bath chofen Chrifi, then bee is made the .chiefe of the creatures, bee excels all orhers , as Ro– fes and Lillyes excell thornes; fo that if you -choo!e and m~ke him your head, hee will make you thebead and chiefe of all thingselfe. From this, that ,he is a head in regard ofinffu~ ence, a head that fills all in all 5 that then wee would be c;arefull to draw from him, that which may filius, and this is the ufe is made of this 4· Ephe[. 15. 16. Eet UJ foUow the truth t'n love, that ,emaygrorvup inloitainallthingJ,whoil the hr:Ad,frf)m · Gg rrhom 95 ----.:.... ....