~he [hurches Carriage. whom the whole body {itly joyned together,_(;jc. The fcope of the Apoll:le 1s to tbe\v us, wee thould grow, and how to grow, adding this motive to it, to ftirre them to it, that Chrift is rheir head, able to till every empty crevis, and thac fhould £l:irre them up to bring their hearts to him , that fo you may grow up into him, that is ?whe~ you bearc bee is a head that fills you, fl:and not at a flay, bur growup to him, there being as great a neceffity for you to grow , as for others to come in :and therefore (fayes he) continue not chil– dren: if they aske how they fhould grow up into him; bee bids them follow the truth in love, that is, as yon get rnore light into divine truths, and have your hearts atfed:ed with thei:n, which is meant by love) fo much is added to you : grow then; for otherwife how is it fa id, that theword cloth build us up? as St.Paul, when he told thofe that he was toleave them, and they knewnot what 1 todoe whenh~ were gone, to grow, he tells them I this, llea~e you to G-od,and the word ofhugr•ce to ! build y0u up: now how doth the word do it, but I by revealing truth, new truths? which if they affeCl the hearc,:men grow up into Chrift. In that it is faid, grow up into him, it is ad– ded, to difference that growth which is out of him_in .morall vertues; men may grow in them, and yet not grow up into Chrift: but to-grow up into him, js to grow more ernptkd. ofour felves and felfe-conceits, and fuller ofhim, fo as he may be greater in us; for wee define grace otberwife / then the morall Philofophers define vertues ; the~! , ------~--------------------~----~-