7""he -Churches Carriage. . 91 . they define it robe that which frames the ioule · _to right reafon :t that is, to do ~that whicq is beH: r 'for hirnfelfe and his converfe with men; but wee grow in another manner, to be that which frames i and exerc1feth every faculty of the foule to the Lord , and therefore there is no growth in grace, unle!fe it be into Chri!l:, doing all for him, un- 1 leffe we be taken off of our owne bottome, and fet U}}On him. Now there are things furthe r 'mentioned in that place, as meanes of this growth. To receive all from him, from whom as the words are, &c. and therefore to keepe the heart nigh to him ; that therefore which hinder~ growth is that which qufetl} difiaoce betwixt God and us. Now the cementing qualities that doe joyne us to him, are faith and love, and that which Ioofeneth us from hitn.is felfe dependance, and felfe feeking , and all things elfewhieh thru fi in betwixt God and you, as vaine .hopes and vaine feares. Keepe in the fello~lhipofthe Saints, for tl1ey receive from Chri!l: onely, as they are knit and compa61:ed togethe~: if the branch be divided from the tree and theroote, there is no growth. Let them looke to it that. take no heed of their company. There are many mutual! duties to be performed together, by which the Saints grow : be one of their fellowfhip in conference, pray– er,&c. if thou wouldefi: grow. By thttt which every ;oint furni{heth to m. There are certaine Commi}lur£ bands and finewes, by . Gg .z . . · wh ich .. I - 3