Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

<The Churches c~rriage. 'whichgrace is conveyed, by whichismeamaU thofe vehicula of grace) all the ordinances of God: he therefore that prayes mofr heares mail confcionably, and is in company ~f thofc mofi which excell in grace, whence fomer_hing will drop that may increafe grace· and truth fucn men grow. moft; though ChriH: be the founraineJ yet_grace is conveyed by thefe as the meancs : therefore ufing thefe meanes, looke up to him to. open the fountaine. There is an effed:uall power; a nutritive facul- ' ty in every one that hath life 'in him, .which is a. meanes of growth , according to the effe-Cl:uall; working in the·meafureofevery part , b.y whkh· a·man makes ufeofevery thing fuggefted to him, · frill receives, profit from the word read or preached; o.r from Gods providence, fome nu– triment from them all : as you fay of good wits, that they make ufe of every ~hing, fo of good; he•uu, and that~is according tq the meafure in every part ; yet fo as the leafr bud bath this effe-– (luall power in its meafure to, draw from the root, as well a·Sthe greateft branches; fome have a greater meafure, becaufe they take in not for · them felves, but digefi: and deliver ir to other;– for in the body there are fame members, that re– ceive from themfelves and for difiribution ,as the liver, heart, &c. And therefore thinke with ·thy .felfe, I have·a greater degree in the c ·hurch of ·God, therefore I mufl: Iooke to receive more ~hen . others, orelfe there will be an ·;~'n. I mull pray more and read more, that fo growingmo:e· , . ID'