'The Churches Carri~ge. 99 in thy felfe, thou maifi be able to diLl r ibure unto others. Lee me adde this, take heed you doe not ' ead thiseffe-~uall-power, for then you will not be able todraw'~uch, or elfe not to concoa it. You-will fay,howmay it be deaded? by worldly, mindedneffe, · or by Sinne not repented of. 1 This weakens, the nutritive faculty, the more fpirituall every man is, the better confc ience that he keepes, and that will quicken the nutritive fa- -;culty, forwhatmakes a member to draw nourifh-: m~x t , but cmptineffe and hunger ? fo that the morewe thidl: after otherthings, the leffe we £Gal draw frorn Chrift. Theufe is of Triall whether you be in Chrifi or Vfo. no,byyour obedience and fubjection fo him.The C,hurch,that is,every member of it, is fubjeet un– toChrift, and obedient unto him in all things. That which God maketh a rule ofhis owne Judgment, as that by which _he iudgeth of every man , that isa fure rule for every man to judge himfelfe by, That whichwe iliall be judged_by at the lafi: , day, is a fure ,rule to apply to our felv~s for the prefenr. Now by our obedience and workes, bee j1:1dgeth us, Hce ,wiligive tfJ every md-n actord~ng to hit .worku.Rom. 2. thatis,hewillnot looke to their goodmeanings andprofeffion,but to their a.:tions and workes, becaufe our real ta~ of Cbrill appeareth in them. I fai. I .19. Ifyee confent t'-nd obey, yeeJhaO eate-the good thingJ of the (.,an_d, that i1, if yee will confent to take Iehovah for your Lord and Ki~g, if you give confenr, there is the firfi thing. But that is not enough; but if you aifo 1 .:----------=G::.3g 3 obey,