Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

100 'I~e Churches (arriage. obey t the confent that fiandetb in the,imvard aCt:, of the mincl, tlte truth of it will bee feene jg, your: · obedience, irr the atts of your fives . 7 :}f. ybit con- ' fent and obeyyou fhalleate thfl good th.i.ttgs oj' thdand,; Tsat is, you fhall take of all that he:l}ath, that rs good and convenient,for then you are mar" ried to him in truth,.and have an iutereft i11 althis goods.TheLord would have !acrifice exattly per.: _ formed, but the prophets light of that in: . cornpari1on of obedience, and the _complaint o£· the Lord is o( your dlfobedie rce,. you are a difo .. 1 1 bcdient and rebellious people, your neeke i.J like an fronji~zew, you.plucke away ~h_e fhou~der; an~ wi~l ~ not obey. It 1s not: a. facn£iC$..C wb1ch was ati– pic'!ll raking of Chr.ifi, but obedience ·mufi: gpe I with it, So tn the new teil:ament, the tWo mallfle things rhe Apoflles beate upon, were Faith_and new obedience, fruits worthy. of amendment of life, A Rs ~ o. 2 r. ·The Apofi:le fitmmes ' _... all his prea~h_ ing~in thefe two things; rep!;ntam:e towards God, and Faith towards Ie'fus Chrift,and he joynesthem together, becau le they are never , fevered. That was his b.u£i.neffe, ityou fhould have beard him conferre or preach, you fhould bave heard him beat upon tl1efe two, Faith and obedi– ence, or fubjecrion to the commaBdements. So it was ~he fcopeof lohnBapti}f,he preacht the bap- · tifrrte of repentance, and the wafhing away of fi.nnes, now they. would be ready to take the fweet, therefore he tels them they muft be obedient, and he urgeth it on parriculars, as they that are foul– diers mufi: offer no wrong to any, and fo of the · . reft