Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

------------------~--------~~----~--~ 'The Churches [a_rriag-e•. refr, The Lord will not take any thing of an ene– my, a !l:ranger. 1 Cor. 8. I z. Hee that givethalmes, andgivethnot his perfon ftrjl to the Lord, the Lord ac .. cepteth it noi, b4t yet on the other fide, workes ffi'Jft jufl:ifie our fai th: it is but an empty faith, except icbath an aetuall real obedience accompa– nying it. It is a danger_ous rocke to th inkour fins are forgiven, andwe~ .have accepted Cbri!l:, and have good meanings, ~tlld ye't we have no obsdi– enc~ accompanying th,is: He . that is in Chrifl:l bath crucified the flefh, and ··walketh after the fpi– rit, and he that is -in Chrifr, is fubje& unto hirn . i11 al things.Ariflotle faith,not he that .hada il:rong 'body; but he that runne well, had the, crowne in. the C?l.Jm_piangames, it was not an athleticall abi– ·lity, P.ut hethatwrefi:led beil:: and it is the !imi– litude the Apo!l:le himfelfe alludes-to, and takes up I_ 'Cor. 9-"'tdwards·theend. Exhorring toftriCl:– neffe of-obedience unto Chri!l:, as without which aman-willlofe his labour. It is well expre!fed in the parable of the fonnes, one [aid he would goe into the ,v'keyard, there were good intentior;s.; the_ other faid 'he would ndt: he that faid he WO\.lld aB~ ·went nor, went be!ides the reward, ao.d -hee that faidhewould not, but went, it was bee that received the. reward. It is not good defires, but a6luall perfortnil'lg ofobedience that {hal prm · e a Crowne for you. And _go0d r.eafon why t~yall f'nould be taken by this) for tryall is in di ff1ct.t1r th ings. Toprofeffe and _know much are eafy, but tobring your. affeCt:ions intr? fubie·thon, to,wre– file with lufi:s, to cro!fe yourwils, and your- fcl ve~ , 101 I -I G g 4 , J o_n::___ '.