Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

' 102. 'The Churches Carriage. rupon every occafion, this is hard. The Lord \looketh that in our lives wee tbould be fervice– able to him , and · ufefull to · men. • that- (which is within, the Lor<;l and our br~thren. are never the better for it ; but the outward" obedience flowing thence, glorifies . God, and dorh goocicoman. The Lord will have this done. What elfe is the endofour preaching, our plan– ting., and watering, but that the trees maybe fil– ledwith Cap ·?-And what is .the end of that fap . but thatthetreemay bring forth fruit? what ea~ · · rcth the hmband-rnatl for leaves or barren tree ? not onely the thornes, are aall:into fire, bur bar– ren trees, Therefore looke toyour fruits, and d~- ceive not your felves. Itis a common error for · men to th!,nke their d.hrtes good, when in the – meane time they walke afcer · the fiubbomene!fe· oftheir heart<3: they thatdoe thewill of theLord · .. j1J.all be faved. What is the end ofevery grace, but tomollifie theheart ·, and make it plyab[e to fome comrnctndement or other? Looke how ma– nycommandements, {o many graces thereamin vertuc and efficacy, although not fo many feve– rall names are-given them. The ~nd 0f.every fi.tch , grace is tomake us obedient, as the end of tem– perance is chaftity ; to bovv the heart to thofe eo mand s , foe yu[ober,&c. not in rhamYering ,tnd rtJantrmnejle; &o. When the Lord comtnandeth us not to be angry ·with our brorher~ the end ·of meekendfe, and why the Lord infu.feth it, is -ro keepe us from unadvifed, rafh anger, fo fairh the endofit, is to take Chrifi Jefus, toma_ke us ~be.. _ dtent : I