Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,, die.nt to the command of the Gofpell , w.h!ch l commands us to beleeve in him; [o as all _graces dojoyne together, bt1t to frame andfafh~on the foule to obedience. Then fo mttch obedience as is in your lives , fo much grace in your hearts, and no more~ therefore aske your heart~, how fubje& you are to the Lord in your lives 3 it was the coun– fell ~hat Frttncu spira gave to them about him, faith he, L~ame all of me, to take heed offtvering faith And (}bedimce·;I taught juftification by faith,– but neglet1ed obedience, and therefore is this befallen me. I have knowne ·· fome godly men whofe comfmt on their death·beds', bath· beene not from the..inward acts of their mind, which aparr conlidded , miglJ,rbe fu:bje<l to mifappre– henftons, but' the courfe of obedience in their Jives i!fuing thence. Let Chriftians looke · to it, that i~ ~all their converfation ,as they fbnd in every relat~on, as Scholars, tradef-men, hus– bands, wives, looke to this; that when they come to dye,tht"y have beene 'fubje& in all things: this will afford folid comfort. What will you fay, when Satan chargerh you with this? it is true you have large promifes , ·and hee that heleeveth fhall bef"ved, but then you muft have beene obe– dient and bring forth fruits; and when you looke upon your lives, and find not thefe fruits, where are you? But youwill fay then:, there is none but may doubt himfelfe, for who ·can fay his obe– dience is perfe&? lanfwer, it is not fo much rhc . perfeel;ion as the fincerity that is required. But howfhall we know that, you will fay,? Fir!l:' lOj '