/ --------------------~~-----------------· :Th~ Churches [arriage. Fidl: confider, wsether thou be obedient ine ,_ very thing. This is in the yvords of the Texr,ther~. fore I mention it firfi, he that ~ath taken Chrifr, there is never a commandment, but he is fubjeel: ! to.i t: though he faileth-m the performance of the : \ commandements, yet never a one but he is fub· jeet ro j as for example, the Lord harh comman– f ded to[anflifte the Sabboth , not to fDr[ake the fellow-· fhip of the Saints; to pray continually;_to take ~eeel; howweheare; towafhour hearts frr»n evil!tho~ghts ilnd,.; ·lujls. When an obedient heart, one that liath ra:... ken Chrill: truely, heares thefe commands, he is'-· obedient to e\'ery one ofthem, he~ goeth about the buf.ineffe, as an obedient fervant about his mafiers fervice; though he maybre overtakenwith negligence andf~mecontrary paffion, yet he go. eth about it •I meane, bee cloth it as well as he is .able. Anotherwill notfethimfelfe to doe the bu, fin~ffe, but is ready. to expofiulare . the matter with God, and fay , the cor:nmandetnent is too firict,or elfe he refufeth by piaine il:ubbornes. As for example, .that comrnandemenf, tttkeheedhow you heare, that is,let not one inftrutl:ion fall to the ground, fee that youworke it upon your' hearts; a difobedient heart goeth not about this, he len– deth his eares for an houre; but when the Seimon is done, there is a.n end:fo that othcr,topraycontinu– ally,; may be he prayerh not alone~ nor with his family, or if both , yet in a flight ·and negli,., gent manner, as good never a ":h~t, .as_never the; better: fo alfo let JOur commumcatt.on beea!~ traJ'eJ gracio:u; fuch a one tbinkes ·it a needl~ffe dung_