ching to be fo il:riet and indifcr~et , he is not, nor will not be fub jeCl: :· this is difqbedience. Marke the generality, and thinke it no more then needs, when the ,Scrip-ture there faith, weemuft be fubjett to him ·i_n every thing; that is, not onely to the maine co.mmandement, but toevery part ofit: Hee that bath faid, thou fi:Jalt not commit adultery, bath faid,thou fha!t not have an adulterom heArt,oreye, or thought,or daOiance.Nowifthou befubj~tt to the , maine, ifthou neglect the fmallefi as·thou COJlJl– tc.!l: them ; thou art difobedient, and thou art ot;1e to whom God willrender't·en'-~eance, ,·The[. 1.7.For · it is to them that knownqt the L<9rd, or that w;iJI not obey him, though they know rha,t:hewilldp this unrorhem, ver.8~ and·I aske .XQlJ ify6u 'kn<;>w not,that there is ftleh acorpniahd~m·enf ~s this,re~ deeme the time, &c ? where is thy obedience to it, thou chat triflefi away thy precious t,ime, and makeilno confcietice ofit? lfrhe Lordhat·h faid, he that doth·hil rrorke negligently ;[baOhe curfed) what fhalt thou ~e, that dotl: it not at all? Studen'ts that Iofe their time, and will not be obedient to that command, bath not the Lord commanded you here to to be fubje6l: in all things ? fo he bath faid, forfake net the fellowfhip of the Saints, that is, the element you {hould live in ; and it is not enough one1y to ab!Taine from evill company, but to frequenfgood: fo for your fpe~ches'beihg gracious alwayes.: are not thefecommandements of the Lord ? where is thy ·obedience therein, when thy company is idle, thy fpeeches vaine? . Likewife, pray continually, that is, at leaft twice a day; ;~ /