106 'The Churches C~trriage. \. a day,; it muft be frequent and fervent too: when no paines is taken herein, it is a figne you are dif– obe_dient. Thus you may examine your felves by other commandements, and pitch upon that which youaremofireadytofaile in. Nowwhen I ur£e this as a neceffary concom·irant ofgrace, the·meaning is not, that it is a perfe8 fub jeetion in every thing, but fuch, that a man doth goe .about it with all his foule, andmake it his worke. A mans heart may bea Temple for the holy Ghoft, yet evill thoughts and lufis may paife through, but there is not a table {et up there for them; finne b~uh not quiet poifefiion in t, en~ , they fet up no idol! ofriches, ()r pleafure, though they may ·be .overtaken /and faile in giying due refpe.d: to thefe commands, yet they draw not out, they fpinne not the threedofanyunne tho– rowout the courfe"q_ftheir lives. Whatever it be, ifa man lye in it from _day to day, it is difGbe– dience. And your purpofes mull: be refolure, t-he divorce muft be full without any fecret lingrings afterthe luft forfaken, though by an accident you may be overtaken by it, yet this is your refolu– tion ~ there is fincerity feene , another giverh them over but for neceffity, , with a moneths mind to rrturne to them .againe j as Ph~tltiel, that when the King fent for his \fife) fent her,be– caufetherewasa neceffity ofir, but yet went wee– ping after her, 2 Sam. 3• I 6. fo it is with us, we let-goe our finnes, but goe weepingaftenhem : the heart is notcleare ofthem. And confider well · the groundofit, \YDY it muft be in every thing, , • I 10