f___ q-_h_e_C_~h_ - u_rc_h_es_Ca_r_rz_'ag_e_._ ___;__l_o_J in thoughts and \v.ords, and why difob~dience in . the fnalle!l: comrnandement, as in idle words, nor indeavouring to keep your beans cleane,your affections pure', doth thus put a man out ofthe ~ fiate ofgrace,and chat fuch have not taken Chr ifr, -[ is becaule all the commandements are equally ,) .commanded, and though they fall upon differing o!J ject's,& fo are different,in refpeCl: of the C om– manders will, and therefore by- the fame reafon, a difobedicnce to the f~allefr,is adifobedience as well as to t~e grea-tefi. No~ the threarnings are againfl: diiobedienr perfo1s, becaufe every difo. bedient perfon cafieth away the Lord,as Sau/ did, that is ,he refufeth to}- ave himbisgovernour. Now he rhat cloth fo:, cannot be !aved : for he bath not · taken. Chrill: for his head and husband; whofoever Iam. ~oJo• fha/1 1·e_epe the whnle. L ~rv, 4-.'tdyet faileth in one point, he u guiltyofall, that is, it is a difobedienceto-tho Commander ~ in what commandement foever it be, though bu-r in one thing, thou haft refufed the I.aw.givcr , and art a re bell againft him ~ fian- , ding our againll: any one thing, makes a rebell againft aPrince, ifhe fiubbornely refufe to obey in one thing, as well asin a rhoufand. Afecondrule·to try our fincerity of fubjetti· on) is to -confider rhe manner of it. Confider whe~ t-heryou-be ~1bje!t, as thewife is toher husband, which isithe maine thing intima red in this-fubj ection here: There is a great difference betweene· , · \ being fubje& in the outward man out of neceffi ry, i and to obey from the heart the forme ofdoctrine, f &c. lt is one thing to ,be fubjeet: as a, ferv-a n~, \ anorhei