108 q·he C~urches Carriage. i another tl;-irig to be fubjeet as a wife, who is fi1b- : jeet:, no{ of coacrion or neceffity, but. freely and willingly out of love, becau(e the would not . . grieve her husband,the Saints delight !yes in corn- \munion with God, fo as ~heir ~earts are not at, . reft, when they fi:and ngt m good tearmes with : him; they cannot let any uneven reckonings to lye betweene him and them j they' love him,,and therefore dare not difobey him. And this arifeth from a perfwafion, what ever bee commandech or infliCl:eth it is good~· and jufi, and equall :then he willingly obeyes and fuffers. Thus the obe- - dience of Chrifr, you iliaH fee what kind of one . it was,fhalll not drink the cup which"my Father hathgi– ve.n metehat is,I would not drinke this bitter cup; not onelybecaufeofneceffity I rnuft, but feeing my Fathers will is I iliould driake it, and he bath prepared it for me, I will drinke it. Hence many a woman will fay, {ball I not doe that which my husband would have me to doe? bee is, wif~ and loves me, and .heehath reafon forwhat he corn- .mands: others oft.he Sts. hav.e yeelded obedience thus unto the Lord, as Eli, when newes was brought to him that all his houfe lhould be cut off; faith he, it is the Lord, let him doe a! ftemeth good in hil eyu, it is the ~ord that lovethme, ta– keth care of me, let him doe what pleafeth him, I am content, and willing. to fubjeCl: my felfe. Another may be fubjeCl: to his commandements, but it is ofnecefiity; on the contrary, the Saints who love and prize communion with him, and would not lofe it , would have no interruptiotJ. So