Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

g-he .Churches [arriage. 109 So alfo I11b 2. I o. Wehave received good of the Lord, 1 andfhal/wenot·receiveevilU as ifhee i11ould have\ fa id, furely the Lord would not have done me fo much good as already I have received from him, ifhis purpofe had not beene good towards me; and therefore if fome evill by his providence doe befall me, tbould l not beare it quietly ? If it had beene from an cncmy, bee would have beene dif– content, but comming from the hand ofa friend, he was wHling with it. I~deed,holy men may be fometimes in a mifl:, and not confider the reafon of the Lords counfels, asPaul, when he was buf-· fettedby the mej]enger of Satan, bee was fomewhat difconten.t, till the Lord made knmvne to him, that beewas mifiaken in it, that though he tooke it for poyfon, yet it was a ·medicine, he thought it came from Satan; but when bee faw it came from one that loved him, and it was for his good; that the grace of God and his power might ·ap" peare, he willingly fubmitted, yea, hee rejoyced in it. A goBd confcie,zce is not onely to doe that which is commanded; it is· poffible for him that bath no grace, not to dare to doe fornethings which are evill in fecret; but a good confcience is, when a man is not willing to difpleafe the Lord, he dareth not doe it , becaufe bee loveth the Lord. He fl:ands upon fuch tearmes with him, as a ehaft wife with 'her hnsband : therefore bee willlooke to make his courfeeven, arid to pleafe th~ Lord in all things• .The third rule to try it by. Confider whether 3 thy fubje&ion be as to the Lord, or no, for his fake