Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

110 The Churches [arriage. .Anfw. _ _,_____ ___ fake: as here it is faid, As the Church u fuhjefl to chrifJ. Many thinke their obedi.ence to the corn· mandements is to the Lord , wbeJJ they are de. ceived. lr was sau/scafe, it was a faire pretence to fpare the catteii, for Sacrifice for tbe Lord: but it was but a pretence; for it was for himfelfe in. deed, that he fpared them. SoBalaam fpake faire, whenhefaid, he would fpeake norhingbutwhat the Lord (hould fay to him, and that bee would . not curfe ·the people of Ifrael, except God bad him curfe them; but it was not for any love to God, but he had an eye to himfelfe and his owne honour, bee knew it was in vaine to curfe where God did bleffe, he thought thus w~th him– felfe, ifhe tbould curfe them without the ~ommand ofthe Lord, hee iliould but difcredit him. felfe, and lofe his labour, wages and all, for his curfe would take no effeel: :therefore he·e.would not goe till God commanded him to gqe : like– wife it may be, bee de fired to dye the death of the righteom,foas all wasoutoffelfe-Jove•. Likewife A"!aziah \-vas fubjeCl: to the Lord , walking in all the wayes of David, bm all was done to other ends thenDaviddid, bur you will fay, it is hard to difcerne, when a man cloth obey rhe comman. clement, whether it be to the Lord or no: how therefore (hall we know ir ? · Confider after ·any failing , in thy obedience or commjJiion of any finne, what it is that tr'ou– bleth thee , the offence againft God or the harrne, difcredit, &c. re~ounding unto thy felfe? ..J You {ball fee the falfeneffe ofSaul his heart in · this