Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-----· ~ __ h_e__ Ch_u_r_ch_e_s_C_a_r_ri_ag_e_.____ I_n__ ( this, the difobedience of the Lord never troubled him, though he feemed awhile affe6l:ed with of– fending the Lord, but. bee after ibcwed ·that it was only the lo{fe ofhis credit which he was ten– der of; for wben Samuel would have left him, and he though fome difhonour would redound to him, that was it that troubled him; hee delires not fo much that God would pardon, as that sa– mudwould honour him ;come fayes he with me, and let us_goe and offer Sacrifice , hcnour me before thep(;()ple. It was not his finne and difobed ienc~ '· but the Ioffe of his credit that bee flood upon. The contrary you ·mayfee in David, feehiscar-:– riage under the guilt of his murther and adulte– ry, for which he greatly affii6l:ed: but how much did he flight all other things? his afHiCl:ion . he did beare well enough, when his owne fonne . hadabu.fed his wives; this did not perplex him, it was his fin troubled himasappear~ by that Pfalm h~madeuponthacoccafion,in which you have not aword ofhis affiittion, but his fin; it was that he was teoderof. Find out therfore where thy tender.. nes f~r fin is; as a Smith, when he would trie the hoofofa horfe,Iook where it fhrinketb,that is the tender part, fo fee what fhrinkerh and gaiieth thy heart moft i ifit be linn'eand offending the Lord, it js.a-Ugrre thy eye was upon the Lord: but when thou art tender of loffes and cro!fes, and difcre– dit to thy felfe, it is an ill figne, thou refpe6ldl:' thy felfe. D~tvid taxeth hirnfelfe in thofe thi~gs which wer(! counted no finne ·by l men, but an honour; as the cuttingo~ sauiJ lap - · H h · of - --.:....-.....,..._ __