Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

· ~ 111. 'Ihe Churches Carriage. 1--------~--------------~~ . _._ . \ ofhisgarment; itwasan honourtohim ·tocome : fo neere his adverfary, and but cut off the lap of 1his garment. So in numbering the peopie, itwEs no outward fhame or evill, but the finnc that tron– bled him, Lord fayes he, ftrikemc, for thefe fheepe, JJh~t have they d~ne j · A fourth rule.whereby thou maift try thy fub.. jcd:ion tO the Lord' is by thy aif0bedience to . all others; it is. a rule may feeme fomc.what re– mote at the firfr hearing, but it i~ fitch a tule of trying_ fubjection, that I find in the Scripture, , Sr. faul when he wou]d;exprcffe.his fubJeCt:ion, he d~th. it byway of oppofttion. If I jho•ld yet.· pleafe men, I were not the ftrvant of Chrifl: it is a good argument ofou.r being the Lord, . when we care not,for.difplea!ing orhers, Rom.'J. not obeyingthe truth,is joynedwir.hobeying unrighteoufneffe, foas the contrary,obeying the trmh i~. .alwayes joyncd with difobeying, all un1 ri ~hte?oufndfe, Ia..,m. 4. 'J. they ateput. together•. j submityour [elves to the Lord·;: and refijt the D-evill. \ He tbar. is mofi fubjeet to the Lord,isa moft un~ tradable man to man, and to all creatures elfe, l l upon everyoccafion) becauf~ the commonrourfeof the rrorld ts contrary/ to holme.tfe, Ephef. z. r. w.hich caufetlf others to quauell fa· much with 1 1 d1em. as rht>y d_oe ; and,th~s arilerh·from ·their obedience to the LorJ. It 1s common amongfi: Jus,·when.wee feeaman eafie; plyable, traCl:able, I ready to give fatisfa6l:ion and content to-men, to ·. . l commend him for it·-, as et' good clifpofitio.n in . tb~m . ; but to be .fo, inalltllings,even in ftnn!ng :aga:tn_~ '