The Churches Carri4ge. 113 againfr God, this though it is pleafing to men, it .is abominable to God; it is an evident cafe, that they which would not doe a thing if left to them– felves becaufe unlawfull, yet to give fatisfatl:ion to friends, totbeircompany, as Heroddid, they/ will, that is a figne of difobedience ; tEe more I waxy;,the heart is to ni~n, the more hard to the Lord. It is a figne of pufillanimity in Cht·iil:ians that yeeld fo much tomen,theyforget themfelves; there is a certainemagnanimity which C hr i£Hans iliould maintaine : wee are Kings, the Sonnes of God, therefore what is the- countenance or dif .. countenance ofman? wee tbould carry our (elves . as greater men than they, wee fhould learne reg– numgerere in peEiort, to carry a kingdome in our brefts. Itisa common faying among men, fttch a man underftands himfelfe well, that is,he under– ftandethhis place, his dignity, and carryeth him . felfe according to it . In this wee are ready to goe too farre, but we <hould learne to doe thus in our obedience to God. The truth of awives chaftity, is feenein the peremptory denyall of all that fo– licite her ; the more peremptory wee arc in fuch denyals of the creatures, the more fitbjccr we are to the Lord. . Laftly,you iliall try it by this, confider what you doe in thofe things that above all others you would not be fttbjeCl: in, fingle out that ftnne that is deareft to thee; though aman would be obedi, ent in all elfe, yet in fome things to be refl:rained it goes to his heart, fomething is more p~culiar, . · and is thathefancies,and itgoethmoreneereun- ' Hh 2 to • 5