Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

H4- 'Th.e[hurches [arriage. to him to obey in that, then in ·any ot_her thing. When the Lord w01:1ld trie Abraham, he tries him ' inrhat which he was mofr unwilling to part with. Now, fayes he, I kngw that thou feart:ft me, For I .have tried thee in that which I know ·thou Ioved£1: dearely, and yet thou art content to part wirh it for my fake. Make the fame queftion toyou.: look what it is, that above all others you would · nor be fubje& in, whether it be a matter ofcredit, of ell:ate, or a luft that fitterh clofe, if thou wilt try whether thou be !itbjecr, fo if for his fake thou canll: obey the commandement, which is again£1: it that croffeth it, for fuch a command the Lord gave to Abraham, and bee did obey it: bee, that taketh Chriil, taketh him for a Lord and a Sa– viour. I!.!!Jft· But yonwill fay, thefe rules are good, but I find my felfewanting, I wt>uld bee !i1bjeCt, but I • cannotbring my Heart unto thern,whatmeanes thould I ufe for the doing ofthis?. For this I will give fome helps, for the -end of eA"nfiv· thefe ru 1es of tryall, is not fo much ro fhut men . out, or di fcourage them,bur the end is, that find– ing themfelves wanting, th'ey maybee fiirred·up rhe more to be diligent in the profecution of the meanes, and fo growup to perfeCtion. · The meanes robe ufed are the,fe. ·Fidl: be diligenrin obferving where thy heart is not1i1bj€et. Diligent obfervance of the flefh in . us that is ready to rebelL when wee take lea{lno~ rice of it, this is the fir{l. mcanes. There is no worke we goe about, but the fleib hath an hand!n It.