'The Churchef [arriage. 1 t5 it. There is fame-commotion and" rebellion goes alongwith the befl: worke we dee, now to fee this -is a great help to obedience.Wee are not fo much overcome by ir, as by our owne inobfcrvancie. The fl.Gfh is an enemie, andnihil in hofte ·defPicien- ,dum, fleight nothing of an enemies that may hurt thee, take heed the flefh deceive thee Hot, it ·is an enemy: fufpeet ~hineowneheart up 'mevery ·occafion) for it is ready to.deceive thee ; cfpeci– -all~ ,i~ things that are lawful, there thou n:ua have a dillgent eye, that there bee no rebellion, that ·thou goe not beyond thy bounds. Secondly, labour to have thy heart and reafon convincedand perfwaded that it is befi: for thee to · befubje& to the Lord :theLordrulethno where asaKing, but whereheerules firfi:as a Prophet, thatis, except he firft perfwade the heart:by an in– ward enlightening, that it is beft for the heart to . ,befubjeCl:, thewill and the affeCtions will never yeeld. Therefore if there be any commandement •" wherein thou findefl: a difficulty, arme thy felfe with reafonsout of Scripture, get thofe weapons the Apoftlefpeakes of, z Cor. I?· Th~ weapons of · our r~arfare •re not &arnall, but mtghty throughGod, ·bringing into &aftivity every t/1oughtto the 0/J.edience of Chrilf, that is, feeke out the reafons the Scripttlre giveth againft fuch a finne, and .for to perfwade the heart to·ohedience, for fpirituall reafons onlywill work, andare mighty, morall reafons and arguments from refpe&s to thy felfe, for feare of Hell, and for defire of Heaven and the like, they may reftraine the outward rnant but theycannot · H h 3 _ bring~-----