:j 116 . 7'he Churches Carriage. 1 ~--~----~--------~-- j bring tl)e inwardman into a full fl:lb jeerion: but fpiriru.11l reafons will make thr~ fubjeet, and to Dbeyfrom the heart: and ye:t this is not enough, they mujt bemighty thr~ugh God : the Lord mu f1: have the fetting them on, they mutt be brought home .and applyed by him. One may have many good i'ea– fons to move him to be fub jeet to fuch a cornman· clement, but except they be ~rought home to the confc ience, by the Lord, they doe no good: thei'– fore faith the Apofrle, they are mighry througb God to bring downe the flrong holds, and falfe reafoningsin the underfi:anding, for they are thefe £hong holds :where ever clifobcdieqce is ~ it ari– feth from fome lull:,and wheron is this lu!l: grqun– ded, but upon fome falfe conceit, and !eafoning. in the underftanding ? Now thefe fpirituall reafoul) doe diffolve them : and when you fee the· vanity of the conceit, the lull: vanitbeth, when · 1thou feeil: thy error, the lull will bee gone, and then the mind obeyeth eaftly. Itthen runneth in j the wayes of Gods commandements, as awl1eele that is well oyled . Firil: then you ·mQfi: obferve· narrowly, and ftrive to difcernebctwcene,th~ flefh and fpirit, which are as clofc as the bones and marrow, as the inwardeft parts, they are fo mix– ed together, there is iitch a conjunttion ,b_etween ·rhe fleib and fpirit in every a er ion, a~ j~betw~'ne rhe marrow and bones; but you muft: la~qpf) to difeerne betweenc them, and that is the ufe: :you– , mufr make of all the knowledge ym~ get l)y: .tht; ..wordof God: And then s.econdly,;~h.ou tnl.\fr:hay~ afpecial care,-and ililllaboui: w~tll thy mJnd,rea- . fon,)