7""he Churches Carriage·. J t 1 fon, andunderfianding, to be perfwaded that it is befi: to be obedient. · And then the third and lafl: thing is, to do fom– what with the affeCtion$, that is, to exercife and accufiome thy frubborne affe61:ions tb obey: the continuance in doing good, doth fubje& the affe6tions; for as the Apollle fpeakes, Heb. 5. r4. of fome, That by reajon of ufe have their wits exercifed to difcerne~Dd from evil/, that is,men be– ing occupied in fpirttuall reafons, and truths, holy conferences,&c. they are able to difcerne truths. ! So it is in the affe6tions ; for,. as exercife in thefe - things makes theunderfianding ready to difcern1 [()eX~rcife makes the will andaffe&ions as ready to be fubje6t, for it bath the fame force in one part of the foule, that it batb in another: there- . fore the Lordleadeth us into varietyofconditions, to exercife fuch and fuch graces, that wee may be fubje& to him in all things,for the image ofGod ferveth but to bring the foule into obedience to God; as it did in Adam in paraJifc. Now there– fore, God leads us into another place, and fiate andconditionof life, that fucha grace may bee cxercifedinus. As the Apoftlefaith, IA.mes 1.2. BeglAdwhen you fall into many temptations .. Some– times he bringeth fickne£fe, foinetimes difgracc, fometime poverty, fometirne affl.i&ion in chil. d~n, wives, or one thing or other upon us, and all ·this toexercife our graces. And what is the end of this excrcife, but to bow the heart to !i1bje-– ~ion, that we may bee ready to obey him in all things? Now if thouwouldeftexcrcife thy felfe 1 · Hh 4 on