Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

tl8 -'The [hurches [ttrriage• in th ismanner, confider wherein thou art ready to – difpbey, and fay: I fee I want fuch a grace, and . am ready todifobey in fitcha particular, I will re, - - folve to pratl:icc t:he contrary~ . As ifa man bee – fu~jcct: to anger, and w-ant; meekneffe, lay, \;Yell, . 1 fee I am too.much fi.tbject to anger.Therefore L • will fet .upontheexercifingot this ,grace of gen-– tleneffe, and mceknt:ffe, 1will not-be angry with . tbe.mcanefi of my fetvants. Thu-s if wee w·ould doe,it would, fave U$ much affiict:ion,which other- . wife the Lord is.forced .to bringon us for .this, to. make us fubjeet to him. . · Objeef·· Butyou will !ay it is grace that dotli it: .how· can this cuA:ome_that is but the act. of a mandoe. it then? -- .Anfi:,. _ It i~ ~rue, it is grace tliat cloth it, but yet it is : the exercifeof that grace t:hat dotllit too. Heh. · s. I r-, I'; 1·3. And thar,.as it encreafeth and en,– largeth g-race, and'il'ttenderh .thofe _habits .which, we have, and makes-them {l:ronger: it-is indeed . thofe infu[ed qualities ofgrace planted in the fa• cultics ofthe foule that bring it in fubje&ion:and ·, this cu£lomed4>th but !l:irrc.up andencreafe, and intends themj but yet ·this exeroife:where graces are ndl wrought, will encreafe them and .' rnake them firong, ·' hrough the affi fiance of Chrill: ac• . companying ir.Thou lhalt find this exercifewill, make in grace.: the foynts ofthe bo· • uybent·tQ fuch ac0urfe~ andoften imployed in . . i~, doeget ahabit. So it iswitl1 the Soule~ Other Yoake·stbe more they are borne; the more they · weaken,, but the,more you beare the;Yoake of. I :;... ·- _ _ .:_,__.., . ----"""'--=-~ - -----===C=---h'_ri__;lt.,