Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The [hurches Carriage. 119 Chrift>eirher in doing or futfering, the more able you are to doe it. Another·ufe thatwe may makeof this is, that we fhould be from hence fiirred up to confider that great privilege we have from Chrifr, for if he be a head 'to us, bee is our guide, bee is fo an head tous; as an husband'is to the wife. Now the the husband is the guide of her youth, and fo Clirill: is ourguide.Whenawoman is yom~gand not able to guide herfelfe, ihee had need have a guide~ fuch is the cafe of every man naturally: But Chriil) when a ·man is in him, becomes a guide unto -him;.or as the Head guideth the refi: of the members,fo doth the Lord ~11 that belong to him.This is a privilege not thought of among us. When wee thinke of the other privileges, this_of theguidaneeof Chrifl:is forgotten ofus. Therefore 1·will -ftand upon this great benefit, which al have that-are ingrafted into Chrifl:: now heguides them in all their wayes, . F irfl: by enlightening them, fo as when·orhers are in darkenelfe , they have their eyes in, their head, and fee tbecway before them' when ·as all o– thers-are blind, ,and want eith~r lighr, or elfe eyes to fee withall. . Againr,he fends his fpi-rit to bee aremernbran~ cer to them in ambiguous and ''diffi.cult cafes, eo ' . fhew them ,the way they are to take, and bee . brings fom preva!Cnt·arguments and ·reafons to mind,to move doe this Or thar,which would otherwife have bin forgotten; and to {hew us the inconvenier.ces that·:W ill follow of doing this or that l '