. ------ ; 2-o~ ·--q~-~he_C_'h ...... u ...... rc_h_e_s -G-ar-r-ia-~-c~~ .._;:-- ,;: -----· 4 \ that which would otherwife have beene hid from . us. He fi:irreth by our confciences which are ap- · pe>inted to be the immediate guide ofus, and the · Lords deputy, whereas otherwife they would ei:.. ; ther be fiill, or guide amiffe. 1 By taking from us wrong guides, falfe opini- 1 ons, il:rong, umul y, and inordinate affecc ions,and inftead of them he puts a right guide into our heartsJ recbties our judgements, puts in holy af– feCtions, which are the rudder of the foule, that . turneitthiswayandtbatway. Thusthere isafe– cret guidance, though we know it not, that the · Saints have from the Lord in all their wayes. This is a g.reat privilege : "For when aman is inop1 confilii, in a {haight and exigents, and knowes not which way to goe, when if bee fhould take the 1 wrongway,it might be his undoing, then to have a guide, w·hata great privilege is it? When Da– vidwa~ inKtilah, and heard that Saulwou1dcorn downe thither. I Sam. 2 3. bee knew not what to doe, whether to goe or fi:ay ; then the Lordg~i- . ded him. SoAbrahamhis fervant, when he went for a wjfe, for his mafters fon, he knew not which way to goe for a wife for him, norwhom to take, then did God {end his Angell to guide him, as ~drahamhad foretold him before bee went; bee told him the Angel/ of the Lord fhsuldgoe ~eforehim. Thewant of this you may fee in Rehoboam, who was in agreat ftreight, when ht asked _counfell of the youngmen,. but the Lord would not guide him , ·and therefurehedid that which was his ruine. So . Abflllm~