7"he [hurches Carriage. 11j in fuch circumfiances; the~eforewifemen,we fee are fometimes infatuated, take a fooli!h courfe, that a fiander by, who is far re inferiour to them, fees plainely tbis to be an unwife courfe, this the Lord cloth, that they may know, the LfJrd iJonely wife. as I Tim. I. Whichconuder,anditwill be a great helpe to make us prize this privilege. Where is any man but is too well conceited of his owne wifedome ? but to thinke God is oneiy wife, and that himfelfe bath not a beame nor a fj.,arke of wifedo!Tle, it 'is hard to per[wade a man of this, but itis evident the Lord is onely · wi~. • For firO:,none can give councel,except he know. erh the whole compaffe of a bulineffe, bee that knoweth but part is not fit to give counfell : they that looke but upon few things, but upon a cor. titer of a bulineffe, and not round about it,are apt to miftake: now who knoweth a bufinelfe thus,, but the Lord above? our knowledge even in pra– cricall matters, in Oll owpe bufioe£fe, is but in part, as well as in things heavenly. Be fides, Secondly our confolatio!'!s depend commonly on thcfe two things, Firft the know. ledge of the fecrets of mens hearcs, with whom we have to doe. Secondly of the future contin– gent events, which are to come, and to know nei– theris in our power, but it is the Lord only that knoweth the fecrets of thefe mens hearts, with .wl10m wee have to doe, as alfo the contingent things that are to come. When the Lord would have Davidgoe out of Keila~