The Churches C ttrriage.. 1~1 in your owne power) it muft be given yoa. That · which s ,fomon fayth of the foolc, heh•tha price in hi f hand, but bee hath no heart, may be faid ofgood counfell, ther~is oftentimes a price put intoour hands, as was U.lto Abfolon!, and Rehobo.smJ hands, but we are not ab le ofour felvs to take it: therfore faith rhe ARofrle ro:rimDtby, 2 'rim. 2. 7. having counfelled him what to doe, confider Tt'hat 1 Jay, and the Lordgive theeunderflavding in al thingJ. As if he tbould fay, I have given thee good counfell: but there mull be another counfellor, therefore lbefecchdieLord t.o give thee underftanding to ·· open thine eyes, tofee the re&icudeof this coun– fell, ancj ena.b l<: thee to apply it, ,and take it. Ne- .m• pe,'fefapit, no manbyhimfelfe isable to coun~ fell himfelftt,there mu!l: be botha fecret 1hrhr.and eyeswithin ·todirea:us. Many times weere'fufe ·1. tbebefr, and pitch'upontheworft.Ier. to. 13. rhe · w~yo['man if not inhimfdfe; l t if notin misn to direR hiJ rMytJ, as ifhe had faid, jc is true;· fot th'e mofl: part,mt"n pitch wel enoughupon the journies end, ;tnd aime~t happineffe,; but how to direet their fteps, and ~o attaine that end, it is notdn them ; therefore L~rd:.I bcfecch thee{fayes he) to guide us and dire ~t us for the ,befi. It is every mans cafe, his wayes<}re not in his owrie power, hee is not a- . ble to fee ~hat is bell: and worfr, and to chufe the ri~twa , and if he.e could .~ thegeneralt, yet\ we h~d eed of. cootm.~all &Uldanee m the · · larpaffagesofourhves.Wearearaftand · at-~very turningwe come c:~t; and like a 'man in a w,ilderoeffcknow,,notwhich way to -goe, except we ··