l , 1 16 'The Churches. [arriage. , we have a guide at every fiep.Dan. )· 2j. HteiJ .the God in rrhoje haud, ·thy breath is, andafl rhy way'eJ &c. thisisathingwedoenot confider. \tVee thinke indeed 0ur lives are 1n Gods hand, and that mat– ters of greater moment, are ofhis difpofing; but that every fiep we.rake tnould depend on h1rn, rhis is that \Ye confdet'nOt of, a maB takes not a fl:ep · either into good or evill, into profperity or ad. _ verfity, but the Lord guideth that frep. There- .l fore confider your great privi~eges, who have the LQrd for your head, yo•. 1 r guide, and your coun.. fellor, '~nd as you mull: know this privilege, foyou mull: make ufe of it, for all thofe our privileges we have in Cbrifr, werenot declared that you fuould gaze upon theni onely, know them and nomore: ' Therefore goe·ro the Lord for counfell,wifedome and dired:ionuponall occafions. You will fay; but how fhall we doe to obtaine ~eft· it I For this lwill give you thefe rules. · .J.n[w. Firft, thou rnuft acknowledge thine owne inability, that tbbu art nor able to guide thy felfe. /amu 1. 5. If tmylackewifedome, let himaske, &c. his meaning thcreps, rot fo much to tbew that forne men w.antwifedom,others not, but the mea. ning is, till a man fees be wants ir,hee is not fit to aske it, neither will the Lord be ready to give it. 1·CorinQ 3. I 8. Hee that it wife, mufl hecomeafoDie · to bt. wife. It is true alfo here, thou mufl ceafe from thineow.newi(edome, thou mull: confelfe thou art not . able to guide thy felfe, and that therefore becaufe thou wantefi wifedome, thou askeft it of him. P{al. 2 5. 9. Hee rri/1 teach the humble his 111aj, and · · . guide