Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The Churches Carriage. 11 7 guid~ the metke inI~dgement, that is, thofe that fee f thetr owne emptmeife, bow unable they are to , guide themfdves, {uch he is readJ to teach in the way they ihould chufe. ' Secondly thou muft alfo askc it of tbe Lord. · You may read ho .v God ufed Da'r)id to thts comte ! from tin1e to time)and put him oft roa Hand wt1en I be fled from Saut, purpofely that hee m1gbr bee I ,accufiorned to askecounfell of the Lord upon all ! occafions. Th.ereforrlet us lea roe foro doe, in any hard cafe, -when we know not whieh way to I turne us; to goe to the Lord and fay, thou arc my ' husband, my he61d, my father, ;1nd whither 1 h~ fuould children goe for counfe11 but umo theu Fathers, and thewife but unto her husbandt No1v Lord,counfell mee anddireCl me what to-doe in this cafe. If you doe thus, will the Lord deny you l no, why faith bee, you, ifyour .ChildrenaJke you-bread,will you give them • flo~e ? If they aske fifh, willyou givt tiJem •Jerpent t So I fay to you, if you – askellirn counfell, will he give you poifon ? will he turne you into a wrongway and mifguide you when you aske the right? No. _ Thirdly you mufi aske in faith, that is added inS.I4me.r 1. 6. So as to reft and rely upon hi.n. · Thus bee commanded his Difciples, that when they fuould be brought before counfells and m– Iers of the Synagogues , they {hould take no thought what to fay, what was the reafon but , this, I will have you refi: _upon 1~e, for ·guidance j ·and ailifl:ance? at that ume I wtllfuggcft tO you · whatfoever is needfull upon fuch an occafion. 1 3 I i Now ----.,..------------------··---